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RPRE is proud to be awarded the SG Enable - Certificate of Appreciation


RPRE is proud to be awarded the SG Enable - Certificate of Appreciation.

It was indeed a humbling evening to be able to learn and share our experiences with SG Enable and other inclusive employers. Our Company advocates the hiring of persons with disabilities for all available positions, where possible.

Mr. Yong Tat Yan, our Finance and Administrative Manager, though hearing impaired, is a critical pillar in our company. To ensure an integrated workplace, our communications and meetings with Tat Yan are done mainly on WhatsApp and emails and also in quieter acoustically conducive meeting rooms.

This year, RPRE supported him financially and with paid time off to have a cochlear implant and also for follow-up listening therapy. With this support, he is able to hear much better than before, making the workplace a much more inclusive environment.

Thank you, Tat Yan for your valuable contributions and SG Enable for the award!


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About RPRE

RPRE is a socially and environmentally conscious company, based in Singapore and Indonesia offering Renewable Energy Solutions.

Our mission is to help commercial and industrial (C&I) clients transition from dirty fossil fuel energy sources to clean renewable energy. 

We provide a full-spectrum of services from initial energy analysis to engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) services, including post-commissioning operations and maintenance.

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